Authors |
Makarov Sergey Nikolaevich, Candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor, doctoral student, Russian Academy of National Economy and State Service under the President of the Russian Federation (building 1, 82 Vernadskogo avenue, Moscow, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. When studying social phenomena and processes, a conceptual model appears to be a basis for further research. Taking in to consideration modern trends in development of sociological models – multiparadigmality – the author suggests an integrated conceptual model for building a socio-managerial expert system. The aim of the article is to suggest a conceptual foundation for the research and development socio-managerial expert systems
Materials and methods. The research goal was achieved through studying major conceptions, which describe the process of managerial interactions. The author used the methods of comparison, generalization and analysis.
Results. The author suggested a conceptual model of a socio-managerial expert system, more precisely defined the concept of 'effectiveness' and determined the characteristic signs of a knowledge base of the socio-managerial expert system.
Conclusions. The conceptual model of the socio-managerial expert system contains a set off theoretical grounds. The main element is the model of satisfaction of the managerial process participants (Bass organizational effectiveness theory). The additional elements of the conceptual model are provisions of the system-resource, objective and complex managerial theories.
Key words |
management, expert system, conceptual model, managerial theory, effectiveness.
References |
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